Happy to have discovered you Beatrice :) I enjoyed your guest post and appreciate the message you shared. I had completed my Masters in applied linguistics and worked at a university when our first daughter was born. Her arrival started me on a completely different trajectory and brought uncountable blessings. I have never returned to my line of work, stayed at home, had two more children, started homeschooling, built up homeschooling communities and programs, and through all of it have been able to use the skills I had developed in my work life. Looking forward to following you along!

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Glad you discovered me! I've now read so many stories like yours and mine. Motherhood changes you and sometimes the process is painful. But it makes better people and makes us use our gifts in unexpected and wonderful ways!

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Apr 1Liked by Beatrice Scudeler

Thank you for your article. I am now at the stage of life where my children are grown, married, and two have children of their own. I very inconveniently had my first son just before the age of 24, with a husband still studying, and a meagre income. I am now at the luxurious stage of life where I am young enough to enjoy my children and their children. We have the means to travel to and with them. I would now never regret having children early. The reward is reaped much later on, when you look back and realise you always had the right amount of energy for each challenge.

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It can be difficult to have kids while still studying for sure. But I'm glad to hear from you that it gets easier and you reap the rewards later - I'm looking forward to the stage of life you're at!

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